Friday, December 7, 2012

Mike Boldea at Village Bible Church 12/2/12



Mike Boldea


This is a timely message given by Mike Boldea of Hand of Help Ministry at my church, Village Bible Church.   Please take the time to prepare your heart, mind, and soul for the perilous times that are coming.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sorry for not Posting

Hello Everyone,
I apologize for the lack of activity on Mars Hill Radio.  I've been busy with a number of personal items like building a two story tree house and a nature trail for my girls (which you can see here and here), closing up the pool for my parents and conducting a Bible Study on Wednesday nights; along with having to work that pesky job. :o)   Once I get these things out of the way (except for the job and the Bible study) I hope to spend more time posting to this blog, interviewing some great guests, and producing more Mars Hill Moments.    Thank you to the few that take the time to visit this blog.
God Bless,

Friday, August 24, 2012

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast - Guest Julius Csotonyi

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast: 8/23/2012 

My guest tonight was Julius Csotonyi.   He’s a freelance paleoartist working with various museums to reconstruct life-sized murals of various prehistoric animals and ecosystems based on his study of the fossil record.  His work is viewable in the Royal Ontario Museum's exhibit "Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from Gondwana", the new Hall of Paleontology at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, the new Dinosaur Hall at the L.A. County Museum of Natural History, and many others, such as the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology. 
He also has a scientific background with a M.Sc. in Ecology and Environmental Biology and a PhD in microbiology.  He’s performed research in biological sciences for 14 years.  He’s also a published author in various scientific journals.  He did start out as a fundamentalist young-earth creationist, but over time changed his position to an agnostic-atheist.

 You can download this video here: DOWNLOAD
Follow the link.  Click on File, then Download
To download an MP3 Audio only version: CLICK HERE 
Please provide comments below

This is a followup commentary on my interview with Julius


This is my response to Julius' request that I refrain from using the Bible, my faith and believes when I talk about science issues.

After a lot of prayer and thinking, I decided to go ahead and un-ban Julius Csotonyi. At first, his request was so appalling to me that I decided to make a point and prevent him from posting anything further, but in the end, it really doesn't matter if someone makes a similar request because I will continue to post what I want on regardless of requests. It also didn't align with the intent of my ministry. I felt like I was slamming the door shut when I banned him. Therefore, my apologies to Julius for my hot-tempered reaction. For me as a Christian, I’m not perfect (far from it); I’m just forgiven. 


Jeff's Show Notes:

My comments and the article mentioned about Dr Colin Patterson can be found on page 58 (ch 14 - Discussion Thread: Dr Colin Patterson quote / misquote) in the ebook: 
These are the words of Dr. Colin Patterson as he spoke before a large body of evolutionists and has been confirmed by attendees and Dr. Patterson himself.   

Julius Csotonyi's Show Notes
- My personal online gallery (requires considerable update, due to having been extraordinarily busy lately, but it'll do).
- My blog (Evolutionary Routes).
- A good search engine for original scientific research in peer-reviewed journals (clicking on "Journal Sources" on the left of the results of a search displays this original research).
- a nice concise explanation of theory, hypothesis, facts and laws in science
- Additional nice explanation of some commonly misunderstood terms in science, such as hypothesis, theory, belief versus acceptance, proof versus evidence and purpose versus function.
- Wikipedia introduction to the "HeLa" cancer cells of Henrietta Lacks that will be accessible to many readers.
- A scientific research article (requiring subscription for viewing the full piece) on evolution in Tasmanian devil facial cancer.
- Wikipedia provides an introduction to the phenomenon that is accessible to many readers:
- Recent research on the possible role of a partial gene duplication event in early human increase in intelligence.
- Here's a pretty good popular write-up about the article, because you need a subscription to the journal to view the original paper, and this popular write-up is probably better suited to most viewers of the show:
- Some examples of speciation by the process of polyploidy (genome duplication).
- Example of a ring species, in which breeding, and therefore gene flow, is initially possible between adjacent populations, but impossible when the populations again meet after spreading around a large geographic barrier.
- Scientific article on a gene duplication event followed by mutation, responsible for evolution of altered mode of digestion in leaf-eating colobine monkeys.

"What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters", by Donald Prothero
A really good book on evolution and the fossil record written by a prominent paleontologist, loaded with well-illustrated examples of many of the evolutionary series I mentioned near the end of the show (radiolarians, foraminifera, fish-to-tetrapods, evolutionary radiation of synapsids [often called mammal-like reptiles], land-dwelling hoofed mammals-to-whales, etc).

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mars Hill Moments - Does Evidence have a place?

Broadcast: 8/17/2012

When you preach the Gospel, do you use evidence to confirm the message? We'll talk about that on this edition of Mars Hill Moments

You can find more video's on YouTube at:

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mars Hill Moments - How Long O' Lord

Broadcast: 8/9/2012

We have begun a companion project to Mars Hill Radio called Mars Hill Moments.  This is a companion show where we discuss various topics that come up during my interviews with non-Christians. 

This episode discusses the issue of how long a Christian should witness to a non-Christian. Let me know if you like it. I hope to do this on a more regular basis since it's difficult to find non-Christians that want to have a debate/discussion.  

You can find more video's on YouTube at:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast - Guest Gene Schmitt

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast: 7/12/2012 
My guest tonight is Gene Schmitt from Hand of Help Ministry.  The Hand of Help Ministry was founded by Dumitru Duduman in 1986 in a small apartment in Fullerton California. Brother Duduman was a Romanian pastor who worked many years with Brother Andrew's ministry smuggling bibles into Romania and Russia before being exiled to America. Brother Duduman and his family, out of obedience to the Lord, eventually returned to their homeland and with the help of American supporters have raised up an effective ministry which continues the work to care for God's people in Romania. 

 You can download this video here: DOWNLOAD
Follow the link.  Click on File, then Download

To download an MP3 Audio only version: CLICK HERE

Please provide comments below

You can learn more about Hand of Help from the following websites:
Get a copy of the book, "Through the Fire Without Burning", the amazing story of Dumitru Duduman

Friday, June 8, 2012

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast - Guest James Kirk Wall

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast: 6/07/2012
My guest tonight is philosopher and author James Kirk Wall.  James has been featured on various Radio programs and Newspapers. He is the author of Agnosticism: The Battle against Shameless Ignorance.  He also has a Facebook Page by the same name:  Agnosticism: The Battle against Shameless Ignorance and he also writes for the Blog,  - entitled An Agnostic in Wheaton

You can download this video here: DOWNLOAD (Follow the link.  Click on File, then Download).  To download an MP3 Audio only version: CLICK HERE 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast - Guest R. Edwin Sherman

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast: 4/02/2012
My guest tonight was R. Edwin Sherman.  He is President of the Isaac Newton Bible Code Research Society and Director of Bible Code Digest. The Isaac Newton Bible Code Research Society is dedicated to critically examining the odds that various code findings could appear by chance. Ed is also author of three books; Breakthrough: Encountering the Reality of the Bible Codes, Bible Code Bombshell, and Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link?
Please provide any feedback in the comments section below.

You can download this video here: DOWNLOAD (Follow the link.  Click on File, then Download).  To download an MP3 Audio only version: CLICK HERE 

Visit for more information on R Edwin Sherman's research.
Also pick up his book: Bible Code Bombshell at his website or at Amazon.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast - Guest Mark Lowe

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast: 3/29/2012
My guest tonight was Mark Lowe.  He is a former pastor that is now an atheist.
Please provide any feedback in the comments section below.

You can download this video here: DOWNLOAD (Follow the link. Click on File, then Download).  You can download an MP3 version here: DOWNLOAD (Follow the link. and click Download)

My Guest next week will be R. Edwin Sherman, bible code researcher, founder of the Isaac Newton Bible Research Society (, and the author of two books; Bible Code Bombshell and Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link?   

Show notes from Jeff:  I briefly mentioned these items in passing.
  • Issue of earth being near the center (but NOT the center) of the universe - see the book: Starlight and Time: Solving the Puzzle of Distant Starlight in a Young Universe  by Dr. Russell Humphreys Ph.D.
  • Josh McDowell started out as an atheist but became a Christian after taking a critical look at the evidence.  See his website here:  and a compendium of his work here at Amazon
  • Dead Sea Scrolls: In 1948, famed archaeologist and leading Biblical scholar William Albright made the extraordinary claim that the Dead Sea Scrolls were “the greatest archaeological find of the 20th century.”
  • Many of the New Testament writers were writing from a first hand account with respect to being with Jesus including, Matthew, John, Peter, Jude, James, and Paul.  In fact, James and Jude were the earthly brothers of Jesus; they grew up in the same home as he did.  We also have the writings of the disciples of the apostles; for example, Polycarp was a disciple of John.  Mark was a disciple of Peter, and Luke was a disciple and traveling companion of Paul.  (see: The Forbidden Book)
  • "I claim to be an historian. My approach to Classics is historical. And I tell you that the evidence for the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ is better authenticated than most of the facts of ancient history ..."  - E. M. Blaiklock - Professor of Classics, Auckland University
  • Gospel of Mark Fragments Reportedly Found; Possibly Oldest NT Artifacts  Dallas Theological Seminary professor Daniel B. Wallace has said that newly discovered fragments from the Gospel of Mark could be the oldest New Testament artifacts ever found and date from the first century A.D., or during the time of eyewitnesses of Jesus' resurrection.
  • Names in Genesis chapter 5 encoded with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Coral-ized chariot parts in the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba) - Evidence of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt through the Red Sea.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast - Guest Beth Purkhiser

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast: 3/22/2012
My guest tonight was Beth Purkhiser.  She is an accomplished musician and an explicit atheist and an anti-theist.  Please provide any feedback in the comments section below.

You can download this video here: DOWNLOAD (Follow the link. Click on File, then Download). You can download an MP3 version here: DOWNLOAD (Follow the link. and click Download)

My apologies to Beth.  My recording software was cutting her off after 15 minutes which caused her to lose her train of thought.  I rectified that problem in my interview with Mark Lowe.  I also apologize for not being fully engaged in the conversation.  I was too concerned about the recording equipment and watching the time.  It made me sound disengaged and not interested.  I only realized that after a friend pointed it out to me.

Show Notes from Jeff:   R. Edwin Sherman, bible code researcher, founder of the Isaac Newton Bible Research Society (, and the author of two books; Bible Code Bombshell and Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link?   

Show Notes from Beth:  Here is the list of FB pages that I admin and are related to atheism - the last three are part of the "Exposing Religion Network" which was developed by other people - I just participate as an admin, which means I throw content on there and try to keep things respectful:
  • Denying Evolution Won't Make Your God Any More Real - 1,000,000 likes?
  • Atheism - another word for Reality
  • New Slogan! What WwCHd? (What would Christopher Hitchens Do?)
  • Defriending Jesus
  • Strong Intelligent Women Choosing Equality & Freedom Instead of Religion
  • The Science Nexus Of Human Cognitive Evolution & The Extinction Of Religion
  • Debating The Untested, Unsubstantiated & Unproven Hypothesis Of Religions
I also write for the website:

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast - Guest Devin Hunter

Mars Hill Radio Broadcast: 3/15/2012
My guest tonight was Devin Hunter.  He is a member of the LDS church; also known as Mormon.  I would really appreciate your feedback.

You can download this video here: DOWNLOAD (Follow the link. Click on File, then Download)
To download an MP3 Audio only version: CLICK HERE (follow the link. Click on File then Download)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hello Everyone
My first interview, if all goes well, will be this Thursday evening.  I hope to have the show on the web by the weekend after doing some post production work.  My guest will be a member of the LDS church (Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) also known as Mormon.  I consider him a friend and hope to have a great discussion.  

Also, I was given universal broadcast rights to the song, Seeking Love, by Olivia Kay.  It's a perfect match for the Mars Hill Radio program and I think you will enjoy it.    

I also have a few others that want to do the show so please keep checking back. 

Thanks and God Bless,

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Broadcast 2/29/2012

This is a short video introduction letting potential guests and listeners understand my reason for the show.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Introduction to Mars Hill from

Hello Everyone,
My name is Jeff Sievertson and I'm the editor of   Very soon I plan on starting an internet radio show called Mars Hill.    It will be an exciting show where I interview people from all walks of life with belief systems that range from atheists to witches to New Agers to everyone in between.

The title of the show is based on Acts 17.  In it, the apostle Paul is invited to come up to Areopagus (Mars Hill) in Athens.  There he is given an opportunity to expound upon his belief in Jesus Christ as the Maker of Heaven and Earth and the Savior of all mankind to those who believe.  There were three types of responses from the crowd that listened; some mocked, some wanted to hear more, and some believed.

Through these lively discussions and debates I expect there will be a similar response to those on Mars Hill; some will mock, others will want to hear more, while a few will believe.

I'm not sure how soon I will be able to get the show up and running, but check back on occasion to see if I have anything new posted here: or my website:

If you would like to be a guest on the show please send me an email at: or fill out the web form below.

Thanks and God Bless,
Jeff Sievertson
Editor - God's Proof