I've heard many an atheist say that the Bible was written by a
smattering of uneducated Bronze Age goat herders. Of course they say many
other things, but never the less, the comment sums up their view of the Bible.
That being, a bunch of imbeciles wrote the book; therefore, why believe
And I would agree. If it
were written by a bunch of idiots, then I would only look upon it as a story
and nothing else. Maybe it had some
nuggets of wisdom, but other then that, it would be worthless. To base your whole life on the opinions of fallible
people would be…well…asinine.
Apparently my atheist friends however were
not aware that these imbeciles were omniscient. Well...not exactly.
But they were directed by an omniscient God to write the
A highly coveted ideal that most atheists
embrace is the scientific method. If a truth claim is neither testable nor
repeatable - producing empirical data that can be peer reviewed -
then it cannot be considered reliable or factual.
And I would agree. If the
Bible could not stand up against scrutiny, then why believe it. If it cannot prove that it is of divine
origin, then why accept it as such.
So…is there empirical data for the Bible that is 1) testable and
repeatable, 2) can be submitted for peer review, 3) and can demonstrate that
the Bible was written by an omniscient mind?
I’m so glad you asked that.
Below is an interview I did with Ed Sherman demonstrating those three
things mentioned above.
Mars Hill Radio Broadcast: 4/02/2012
My guest tonight was R. Edwin Sherman. He is President of the Isaac Newton Bible Code Research Society and Director of Bible Code Digest. The Isaac Newton Bible Code Research Society is dedicated to critically examining the odds that various code findings could appear by chance. Ed is also author of three books; Breakthrough: Encountering the Reality of the Bible Codes, Bible Code Bombshell, and Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link?
Please provide any feedback in the comments section below.
You can download this video here: DOWNLOAD (Follow the link. Click on File, then Download). To download an MP3 Audio only version: CLICK HERE
Visit www.biblecodedigest.com for more information on R Edwin Sherman's research.
Also pick up his book: Bible Code Bombshell at his website or at Amazon.
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